Saturday, April 25, 2009

H.A.T.T. Syndrome

While working at Vitamin Discount Center I learned of a syndrome that many American’s experience, Tired All The Time Syndrome or T.A.T.T. I have decided that I have a different form of T.A.T.T., H.A.T.T., or Hungry All The Time Syndrome. Since I have increased the amount of exercise I do in a week, I have also needed to increase the amount of calories I consume.

The conundrum comes in that fact that I want to lose a few pounds (not a lot, don’t worry I’m not going to become skin and bones), just so that it will be easier to run and will also be less stress on my joints. With that in mind, I’ll have to watch the amount of food I’m consuming, and more importantly, what I’m consuming more carefully. Which means packing more in my lunches so that I have extra healthy food in case a hunger pain strikes.

A few other notes…

Today was my last swim class and I have to say that I believe I have improved, speed and form-wise. What I expected from the classes was to get a good grasp on the basics of the freestyle stroke and know what I should be working on to improve my swimming over the course of my training, not just the classes. And I got exactly that. I know a list of things that I should be reminding myself as I swim such as, keeping my head down, not looking forward when I breath and to finish my stroke with my left arm. There are plenty of other things to list too, but we’ll just leave it at that for now.

On Tuesday, I went to Atlanta Cycling for the Women’s Group Ride. I’m still destroying the hills and I also got a nice compliment from another rider. She said that I have improved greatly with my bike handling skills in the three times that I have been out. That was really great to hear.

I also learned a valuable lesson on Tuesday: always carry at least one spare tube and CO2 cartridge. I knew this was something that I should get but hadn’t gotten around to it yet. I’ve learned my lesson. On the last quarter mile of the ride I got my first flat tire and didn’t have a tube or CO2 cartridge to fix it with. Luckily, since I wasn’t that far away, I just walked the bike in and another rider stayed with me. I’m planning on purchasing a pouch that will contain a spare tube and a CO2 cartridge. I’ll also change the tire myself this weekend, which will be a great skill to learn in case I get a flat during the triathlon (knock on wood). Since you aren’t allowed to accept outside help during the triathlon, it would be a shame to waste all of my training because I don’t have a spare tube or know how to change it.

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